This weekend Kyle and I continued our tradition of going on a Christmas date, and apparently continued the tradition of eating at P.F. Changs on our Christmas date. We've eaten at P.F. Changs three out of our six Christmases together since we started dating, so I guess you could say we have a thing for those lettuce wraps! In all honestly eating there was a dumb idea this year since the P.F. Changs in Augusta is right next to the mall, and hello this weekend was the weekend before Christmas! Thank goodness for the $25 gift card we had that helped us turn a blind eye to all that craziness.

Before we left, we grabbed a quick photo in front of our tree. We had to sit since I didn't have a high enough place to put my camera for a self-timed photo. You can see below Kyle's amusement that my self-timer always takes 8 photos in a row. ;)

After a delicious dinner at P.F. Changs, we walked across the way to the Barnes & Noble at the Mall to grab some Starbucks to charge us up for the second half of the evening. But first I had to pause and get a photo with the gorgeous Christmas tree they have set up outside the Mall. It's the closest thing we get to the Opryland Hotel around here!

With a Caramel Brulée Latte in hand, we headed out to Evans to drive around some nice neighborhoods and check out everyone's Christmas lights. It was fun to get some ideas for when we have a house of our own one day!

We ended the evening by going to see New Years Eve, which can be summed up in one word: Meh. Definitely not as good as Valentine's Day. It was cute enough, though, so hopefully I'm not being too much of a scrooge about it! ;)
Up next, our Christmas decorations and pictures from our Christmas Card photo shoot!
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