Meet Doc, our little buddy that we do not have as of yet. Named after our dads, who are both veterinarians, but sometimes I think we made that explanation up. Anyway, we've wanted a Weimaraner for about a year and half now, and recently the itch to get one has been especially itchy.
So why don't we just go out and get him, you ask? Well, plain and simple, our current townhouse just isn't big enough for the three of us. I mean, take a gander at our "backyard":
Kinda sad, right? Oh and there's the 20 lb. weight limit on pets, too. Doc will only get about 50 lbs. bigger than that, we can totally get away with it I'm sure. So needless to say we are praying and thinking about what we should do, possibly looking into moving once our lease is up here in the spring. But getting a Weim wouldn't be the only reason why we want to move. We would really love to rent a house where we don't share a wall with our neighbors, among other things!
So if you know of anyone who is planning on breeding their Weimaraner within the next six months -OR- if you know of anyone who is renting their house in the Evans/Augusta area in Spring 2011, give us a holler! I don't know how much longer I can get Kyle to wait on the dog, I catch him looking at the AJC Classifieds and pictures like the ones below all the time. :D

Aren't they just so beautiful? Those big blue eyes are going to get me into a lot of trouble!

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