We've got a crate problem. An
empty crate problem.

You see, Kyle and I have wanted a dog for a
long time, and things are finally lining up for it to happen. When Kyle found this good deal for a dog crate on eBay a couple of weeks ago, he seized the opportunity and ordered it.

But now we are
realllly sad that there's no precious pup to put inside it. What a tease! But the good news is that according to our ideal timing, we can officially start our search for Weimaraner puppies right about now! We've already covered a lot of ground looking online and making some phone calls, but sometimes word of mouth can be the best thing.
So if you know of any quality Weimaraner breeders in Georgia, let us know. Or if you have a Weim yourself and don't mind sharing where you got it, let us know about that too! We are looking for an AKC-registered silver male, preferably with a sweet face like this. :)
{Photo by Tuffy1973 via Flickr.}Thanks so much y'all!
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