When I sit back and think on this year, I'm instantly reminded of Ecclesiastes 3. That there is a time for everything, and a season for every purpose under heaven. And I say this because Kyle and I experienced SO MUCH in 2010:
We got married. I graduated from college. We moved to a new city the very next day. Kyle started Physical Therapy School. I started a new job. We had to learn what it means to put each other first. And failed. But kept trying. We had to learn to let go of a lifestyle of college and friends and come to terms with 8-5 and health insurance and retirement plans. We've had some painful goodbyes, but also some beautiful new beginnings. We've traveled to new places but also learned what it means to be still. God has challenged us to dig down inside of ourselves and see what we’re made of. And while "what we're made of" is not perfect, we continually find hope in the One who is.
And now, here's my attempt at a photographic representation of this whirlwind of a year:

"He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end." {Ecclesiastes 3:11}
Coming Soon: 2011 Vision Boards (SUPER excited about this!)
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