Settling in to the house is coming along slowly but surely. My two new favorite things are shelf liner and Magic Erasers. They are must-haves when moving into an old house! For those who are curious, here's a little peek at the exterior:

This photo was actually taken about a year ago by our landlord. I can't believe I haven't grabbed one of my own yet! Once we polish up the landscaping a little bit an updated photo will definitely be in order.
Thankfully our rooms don't look like this anymore, but for a while this is what the office looked like:
And this is what our guest bedroom looked like: 
Laundry really piles up when your dryer has a four-pronged cord but the socket only has room for three! :D
Since moving into the house, we've built up quite the list of projects we would like to accomplish. But we don't want to dish out a lot of dough for them, so we decided to hit up
this mega yard sale on Saturday. The yard sale was a fundraiser for my best friend's brother and sister-in-law as they are trying to adopt a baby from Ethiopia. How could we pass that up? We got there around 11 a.m. and ran into my best friend's husband as well as another friend from my hometown, and they told us most of the good stuff had been picked over by 6 a.m. Guess we have a thing or two to learn about hardcore yard-saling!

I didn't come home empty-handed though, as I scored a candleholder and large vase for one buck. And while I shopped around, Doc found a soft and cool place to land:

He is too cute for his own good sometimes. Also while at the yard sale, Kyle and I met this couple who knew my grandparents and worked at the same camp I went to growing up. The whole conversation came up just because I was wearing my camp shirt. Isn't it funny how strangers can quickly become friends?
Unfortunately we were not able to spend Mother's Day with either of our moms this year, but we both sent them our love over the phone and can't wait to see them in two short weeks here in Augusta. Sunday afternoon we took Doc on a special trip to the Savannah River Greenway since we haven't been able to play with him a lot lately due to the move. As you can see from his tugging on the leash, he was really excited to get out!

Doc also had his first experience on a dock. Har har. He better get used to it because there will be many weekends spent at the lake this summer!

Hope y'all had a great Mother's Day weekend!
We'll be hittin' up the yard sales too in a few days because we're going to need a whole lot more decor and furniture to fill up the new house! We're going from 995sq.ft. to 3,000! But I have a feeling that you nor I will either have a problem decorating, lol! I LOVE those pics with Kyle and Doc, they're adorable! Dave's a little jealous Grace doesn't look as macho as Doc when she sits beside him, that's if she would even stay still long enough! haha! Love yall!