I think one of the best things about newlywed life is getting to start your own unique Christmas traditions together! Throughout this whole month I've had a feeling this will always stand out as a very special Christmas for us.
First and foremost, we want everything we do at Christmas to point to Jesus. It's so easy to get caught up in the stress of all the shopping, preparing and figuring out plans that we often lose sight of our Savior, the one who really deserves our wholehearted attention during the Christmas season. Kyle and I want to make it a tradition to read scripture centered on the birth of Jesus, not just on Christmas Day, but leading up to it as well. And this will be especially important once we have kiddos!
We also want to combat the sense of selfishness and greed that surrounds the Christmas season by making sure our family is giving generously during the holidays. This year Kyle and I participated in Operation Christmas Child, but we might try out World Vision Gifts next year. You can give a needy family a goat which not only provides healthy milk, cheese, and yogurt, but also a much-needed income boost through selling its dairy products at the market! How neat is that?
As for the Christmas tree, we want to make a tradition out of going to a Christmas tree farm and picking one out every year (Fraiser Firs all the way!). Pictured above is "the one" for this year!
On Christmas Eve, Kyle and I want to start a tradition of building a fort in the living room (made out of blankets and chairs like when we were little) and sleeping by the Christmas tree. This will especially be fun when we have kids, though I'm not sure how that's going to work out with the whole Santa thing. We'll figure it out when we get there.
Something we'll continue from our dating years is going out on a Christmas date, which Kyle likes to handle and he usually attempts to surprise me. I use "attempts" because I'm pretty darn good at figuring it out, haha! ;) This is us at The Cheesecake Factory on our Christmas date last year.

And finally, we are going to start going on a drive to see Christmas lights while listening to music and sipping cider/hot chocolate. We've already gone to Lights of the South with our newlywed Sunday School class this year, but we also want to go on our own personally-mapped out one in some nice neighborhoods in Evans. The thing about this tradition is it's very susceptible to hit or miss, so hopefully it will work out!
And that's all, y'all! This post turned out longer than I thought. Sorry about that!
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